The open world is a boon and a bane. We are exposed to a whole bunch of unknowns, who could be geniuses or otherwise. So how do you pick and choose, so that you create some really cool work, but at the same time ensure you are not getting into something that you did not sign up for.
Today we address from the muses perspective
Evaluate : First and Foremost, look up the body of work by the person you intend to collaborate with, it could be on multiple platforms. Evaluate if the work is relatable to what is being requested of you.
Investigate : Find common connections. Get first hand word of mouth information on the person you intend to create with, first about the person and then about his/ her style of working and also the reputation of keeping the discussed word to it's spirit.
Communicate: Move from a non confirming DM to a verifiable phone communication.
Discuss: Once you establish your interest in the collaboration, the most important thing is ensure everyone is on the same page. This can be done by discussing, comfort zones, boundaries, common rules. Common red flags are loose flirty talk, too much money on the table, unrelated personal questions or propositions.
Mood Board: Once boundaries etc. are established, start to exchange ideas and references. Ensure that theses are always well within the discussed limits. Never give in to a lets see how it goes.
Trust Your Intuition : Most important is if you feel something is not right. Address it by communicating your dissent or walking out of the collaboration.
Also, always respect the collaborators efforts as well, do not create something that you do not wish to share/ use as per discussion.